Irresistible Texts...

Texts That Make Him Chase

Build an emotional connection with him

Get an immediate response from him

Make him excited to take you out

What to text men who disappeared or ghost

100+ customizable text messages

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YES! Include the BONUS: "The 5 Unwritten Rules of Texting." Teach me how to text "correctly" in the new age. When can I text twice in a row... How long I should wait between texts... Is it OK for a woman to text first... 60% Off Today - Only $20!

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"Thank you so much for all your help!! I met an awesome Army paratrooper. We were just dating and wanted no commitment. Then I fell in love. I felt like he was pulling away. I read the things to say in text messages you sent me. The next day I sent him a text and got an immediate response!! Now he's up here every weekend and we are having the time of our lives together!! I'm so excited to see where it goes. Thanks again!" - Susan

"This really worked. I tried using some sample texts on him and wow he was so impressed, turned on and just begging me to stop killing him with the sweetness he was feeling... I really couldn't believe that it could work that way, so fast." - Malinga

“I thank Matthew so much. His program changed my life. His advice and techniques are invaluable. Easy to understand and implement.” - Kim

“Can I tell you how legit Matthew Coast's texting guide really is!!! I've been seeing a man for 3 and 1/2 weeks and in the early days of texting I used nearly every one of the texts ideas on his guide. This man continually complimented me about how much he likes my mind and that he thinks I'm the most fun person. 

The texts keep coming, the dates keep getting scheduled and we are now in an exclusive relationship! He thinks I'm clever and witty. He may be falling for me and loves my mind but he may really be in love with Matthew Coast, lol! Ladies, this coach really knows what he's talking about!!” - Cori
